The Skincare Tag

1. Describe your skincare routine in five words.
          I'm too lazy for continuity. Basically I just give up on products before finishing them. 

2. What's your skin type?
          Oily and acne prone.

3. What's your favorite skincare product?
          Mattifyers and astringents/toners.

4. Top blemish zapper?
          I have so many. Usually something with salicylic acid since I don't like benzoyl peroxide. 

5. Face wipes... Yay or nay?
          Nay. Unless it's for emergencies. 

6. Toner... Yay or nay?
          Yay definitely!

7. High end skincare or high end makeup?
          "Porqué no los dos?" Haha. But really, high end skincare. If your skin looks better, it will reflect on any kind of makeup you wear. 

8. You're in a French pharmacy and can only buy one item, what would it be?
           I feel like this is a trick question because come on, I'm pretty sure everyone's going to pick Bioderma. Haha. Though, I would like to try something from La Roche Posay.

9. Top skincare tip?
          This is going towards oily skins since it's the only one I know of. Don't skip moisturizer. I know sometimes you may feel like you don't need it because your face "already produces enough oil" but trust me, you need to moisturize. If you don't, and your skin underneath gets dry, you're just giving it the more reason to produce oil. I've had my nose (which is the oiliest part of my face) peel from dryness or sunburns and it still gets oily. You need to keep it balanced. I'd suggest an oil control moisturizer like the Clean & Clear mattifying one or the gel moisturizer from Clinique. I've tried both and they're really good at keeping my face feeling moisturized without looking extra oily. If you don't like to use moisturizer during the day, then use a normal one only at night time. Your skin will thank you for it. 

I was tagged by the lovely Rena from Kiss and Makeup to do this and now I tag:

- Alixe at Alexandra
- Jennifer at Nature With Nurture

And of course anyone who wants to do this tag. Be sure to leave your links in the comments so I can take a look at yours.  


  1. Love your answer for number 8! When I did it I was like hmm I want everything in there! Great Post xx RenaKiss and Make Up

  2. Hey Zoe! Thanks for tagging me! I'll definitely be doing this soon! I love your answer for question 8, for the longest time, I skipped moisturizer. But now I'm learning the importance. I still haven't tried the one from Clinque and I'm definitely looking forward to picking up a sample next time! xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate Life | bloglovin

  3. Ahahaha "too lazy for continuity" - fantastic, and so true of most of us.

  4. I am loving this post :) I hadn't realised you had a new blog layout! I really love it. I just came to look at your blog because I hadn't seen any posts on my feed for a while. Keep on posting, I love your posts x

  5. i have the la roche posay effaclar duo and it is amazing. Ive only been using it for around a week and it has cleared the majority of my forehead acne up. The only down side is is it can be quite drying unfortunatly, so i just make sure i moisturise really well
    lovely blog btw
    followed you via GFC!!

    1. I want to try it soo bad. It's on my wishlist right under Bioderma. Thank you!

      The Caribbean Flower

  6. Hey, thanks so much for tagging me! I'm definitely like you- I am way to lazy to continue with the same routine everyday but I'm trying... and I also agree, high end skincare is the most important!
    Nature With Nurture

  7. Good post!!! thank you for your comment!
    I follow you by Bloglovin too! I'm very happy if you do the same.
    Have a good week! and my heart in bloglovin for your post too!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  8. I love this tag! Great answers, and some nice skincare products!

    Can't wait to fill out mine that I was tagged in. xo

    Adrienne | Late Night Nonsense | Bloglovin'

  9. Thanks for tagging me in this, I love tags :D

    Enjoyed reading your answers, here are mine if you're interested


  10. You have Pixi Glow Tonic! Its so difficult to get in the UK


    1. No, I wish. The picture is not mine, I linked the source below it. :)




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